The Museum collection includes today more than 700 sketches, models and drawings of sculptures realised by over 350 Italian and foreign artists. Among these artists are some of the greatest sculptors of this and last century, who worked or currently in the craftsmen workshops of Versilia.
The maquettes (models in reduced scale) and the models (to scale) represent the original idea before the translation into finished works. Realised in different materials, but especially made in gesso (a gypsum-based paste), their dimensions vary from a few cms to several meters.
On some examples indications which the artists left to the craftsmen for the realisation of the work can be seen: numbers in pencil to indicate the types of stone to use, or the plans of material to be raised from the block, nails plastered to use for the enlargement, coloured lines to underline the strength of curves and the course of forms, signs and marks left by the dreams of the artist.