The close connection between Pietrasanta and art, and the continuous influx and a large presence of artists and others related to this sector, naturally has resulted in an intense activity of temporary exhibitions, which has increased over time in both quantity and quality. This makes Pietrasanta one of the most sought-after exposition locations on both the national and international level, particularly, but not exclusively, for contemporary art. The strategy is to promote, in addition to the names of greater resonance, also the presentation of artists of local origin, proof of the artistic richness of the area and of a profitable collaboration with town art galleries. Venues for these activities are primarily the expositon spaces of the Cultural Centre “Luigi Russo”, which includes the fourteenth-century Church of S. Agostino and the rooms of the adjacent Cloister, sometimes with extension, in case of exhibitions of monumental sculptures, to the close Piazza del Duomo. In summer also the Villa and Park “La Versiliana” in Marina di Pietrasanta are used for exhibitions.
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Mostra degli studenti del Liceo Artistico 'Stagio Stagi'
mostra Concorso Fotografico Nazionale "Andrea Pierotti"