Museo dei Bozzetti "Pierluigi Gherardi" - Città di Pietrasanta

 Accessibility ::   accessibility

The main pages within this web site comply with all priority of Level A, guidelines of the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.
All the main pages within this web site validate as XHMTL 1.1 Strict.

We have checked all main pages for validity to this standard.
The main pages within this web site comply with priority of italian "Stanca 4/2004" Law.

* this site uses stylesheets for visual layout
* this site uses mainly relative font sizes, compatible with the user-specified "text size" option in visual browsers
* if your browser or browsing device does not support stylesheets at all, the content of each page should still be readable
* text descriptions are provided for all significant images which appear in this site in ALT attribute * text descriptions are provided for all significant links which appear in this site in TITLE attribute * all pages of this site are validated as XHTML and CSS
* frames are not used
* abbreviation and acronym tags are being added

Please read the italian version of this page for more information:
   Legge Stanca 4/2004